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fossil assemblageの例文


  • Fossil assemblages were traditionally used to designate the duration of periods.
  • It was found in the El Castellar formation, part of the Galve fossil assemblage.
  • He described the fossil assemblage into four groups namely:
  • It is estimated to represent close to 90 % of some fossil assemblages in Brazil.
  • He sorted the fossil assemblage into five groups, namely spindle-shaped, leaf-shaped, round lobate, dendrite like, and radiating.
  • By the late Cambrian, the trilobites had reached their greatest diversity and dominated nearly all fossil assemblages.
  • Material has been collected in the Berdyanka II locality from a fossil assemblage called the " Eryosuchus"
  • The fossil assemblages concealed within the sedimentary layers of the Morrison Formation are among the world's richest.
  • The aim of chronostratigraphy is to give a meaningful age date to these fossil assemblage intervals and interfaces.
  • As a result, the Mazon Creek fossils are one of the world's major Lagerst鋞ten, or concentrated fossil assemblages.
  • This behaviour is consistent with fossil finds where adult / juvenile fossil assemblages usually contain only female adult remains.
  • Brackish-water trace fossil assemblages occur within these bar deposits and demonstrate periodic incursion of marine waters into the estuaries.
  • The trace fossil assemblages in the formation suggest that it was below the wave base and was reasonably well-oxygenated.
  • The Cliefden Caves-Belubula River Valley sites contain the best exposures of Late Ordovician island marine invertebrate fossil assemblages in Australia.
  • Its lower Miocene members show indications of weak coastal upwelling, with fossil assemblages and calcareous-siliceous rocks formed from diatoms and coccolithophorids.
  • The detection of diachronous beds can be quite problematic since fossil assemblages tend to migrate geographically with their environment of formation.
  • The standard stratigraphic nomenclature is a chronostratigraphic system based on palaeontological intervals of time defined by recognised fossil assemblages ( biostratigraphy ).
  • These deposits were once thought to be latest Cretaceous, but it is now clear that they are Paleocene channels with time-averaged fossil assemblages.
  • :As Mike says, the Expanding Earth folks have no way of explaining marine fossil assemblages before Pangaea ( which exist across the Earth ).
  • The fossil assemblage in which " Diandongosuchus " was found bears many similarities to that of European fossil localities such as Monte San Giorgio.
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